Mission & Vision


Growing through God’s Word

God’s Word is living and active.  It pierces us with God’s Law, showing our sins, but it also comforts with the Gospel. The Gospel is the Good News that Jesus died with us on His mind and in His heart.  Because of His great love for you and me, we want to please Him with the way we live our lives, in service to our neighbors, and our desire to study the Bible.  This is how we put faith into action.

Mission and Vision

Bethel’s mission philosophy is found in Acts 2:42, “And they devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”  We reach out to the people of the Tri-County area with the teaching of the Apostles which is really a teaching about our Savior, Jesus Christ, and His willingness to die for you and me.  We reflect that love to our neighbors and want them to hear and believe God’s Word, so we unabashedly proclaim Christ and Him crucified to all we meet, not only by our words, but by our actions as well.  And, our outreach does not stop at the county line, for we also provide direct financial support for missionaries in Ghana, West Africa and the Lutheran Bible Translators.  Getting God Word into the hands of all people is vitally important to us.
As stated above, our vision is that all people hear about the marvelous work of  God’s only begotten Son, Jesus, upon the cross for our eternal salvation.  Everything we do stems from that desire and flows from our altar outward to the farthest reaches of the world.